Metropolitan Beaches Commission
From 2021-2022 the Metropolitan Beaches Commission held a series of public hearings to assess the state of access, equity, and inclusion on our region’s public beaches. Hearing topics include racial justice, access for people with disabilities, and access for people who do not primarily communicate in English. The final report on these findings and recommendations was released on May 23, 2023.
Participants at Triangle Inc’s Beach:Ability event enjoy a day on Constitution Beach
Abilities Dance Boston performing on Revere Beach as part of a summer dance series
Local singer Eva Davenport performs at the Diversity Matters Festival in Lynn
2021-2022 Public Hearing Materials
Language Accessibility Hearing
Language Accessibility Public Hearing Transcript
Best Practices for Multilingual Signage & Websites
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We are in the process of optimizing all of the MBC documents for easy translation because Google Translate currently can only handle files less than 10 MB that do not include text as images.
Racial Justice Public Hearing
Beach Accessibility Public Hearing
Access for People with Disabilities Public Hearing Transcript