Metropolitan Beaches Commission

In 2023, the Metropolitan Beaches Commission hosted the first in a series of public hearings to establish a set of best practices to address climate change along the coast from Nahant to Nantasket. With the goal of creating a continuous resilient coastline, the hearing featured local and regional climate experts, elected officials, as well as nonprofit and community leaders. Hearing topics included nature-based solutions, gaps in current climate adaptation and mitigation plans, and opportunities for collaboration between communities and cities in the metropolitan Boston area.

Winthrop Community Climate Workshop

The Metropolitan Beaches Commission is focusing on how climate change will impact our region's public beaches. We are holding a series of community climate workshops this summer where we will share a suite of tools developed in a partnership with the City of Boston and the region’s experts and advocates to increase resiliency and improve coastal defense, while preserving recreational access to our public beaches.

We will workshop in small groups where beachgoers will discuss a series of climate resiliency solutions that could be implemented in their communities. Dinner will be available.

La Comisión de Playas Metropolitanas está buscando la perspectiva de la comunidad sobre las playas locales frente a una costa cambiante para ayudar a elaborar recomendaciones de resiliencia climática para nuestras áreas costeras. Traducción al español estará disponible!

2024 MBC Community Climate Workshop Materials

2024 Revere Climate Workshop Materials

Lynn and Nahant Climate Workshop Materials